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Cooperation Working Group

Location: -Grand Ballroom

Dates: Monday, 4 May, 14:00-15:30

Cooperation Working Group Home Page

A. Administrative Matters

  • Welcome
  • Select a scribe
  • Jabber Monitor
  • Microphone Etiquette
  • Finalise agenda

B. Panel Discussion: Why is IPv6 not being adopted by the business community?

  • Chair: Martin Boyle (Nominet)
  • Kurt Lindqvist (Netnod)
  • Tom Wills-Sandford (Intellect UK) [TBC]

C. Government Updates on IPv6 Policy

D. RIPE NCC Cooperation Activities Update - Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC [PDF - 500KB]

E. Open Discussion on Issues Raised at Earlier Government and LEA Meetings.

Z. A.O.B.