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Test Traffic Working Group Agenda - RIPE 58

Location: - St. John Room

Date: Friday, 8 May 2009, 09:00-10:30

Test Traffic Working Group Home Page

A. Administrative Matters

  • Welcome
  • Select a scribe
  • Jabber Monitor
  • Microphone Etiquette
  • Approve Minutes from RIPE 57
  • Finalise agenda

B. TTM Status Update from the RIPE NCC - Ruben van Staveren [PDF - 680KB]

C. Measuring Bandwidth - Andrei Shukov [PDF - 500KB]

D. Doubletree - Tony McGregor [PDF - 760KB]

E. Diverse Aspect Resource - Tony McGregor [PDF - 365KB]

  • DAR is a project to investigate the feasibility of building an active measurement system with the ability to support in the order of 100,000 nodes. The probes are expected to be small (cheap) "token" computers.

F. Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure: Updates and Analyses - Young Hyun [PDF - 1.5 MB]

Z. A.O.B.