EIX Working Group
Location: Grand Ballroom
Dates: Wednesday, 6 May, 14:00-15:30 & 11:00 - 12:30 | Thursday, 7 May, 11:00-12:30
Session 1: Wednesday, 6 May - 14:00-15:30
A. Administrative Matters
- Welcome
- Select a scribe
- Jabber Monitor
- Microphone Etiquette
- Approve Minutes from RIPE 57
- Finalise agenda
B. Co-Chair Vacancy
- Please send (self) nominations and election address by email before 17:00 (local time) Wednesday
C. IXP Updates
- AMS-IX - Steven Bakker [PDF - 3MB]
- DE-CIX, ALP-IX & WORK-IX - Wolfgang Tremmel [PDF - 1.35MB]
- Equinix - Célia Darmon [PDF - 92KB]
- GR-IX - Antonis Lioumis [PDF - 84KB]
- INEX – Nick Hilliard
- LINX - Mike Hugues [PDF - 2.7MB]
- LONAP - Andy Davidson [PDF - 164KB]
- NaMeX - Maurizio Goretti [PDF - 3.4MB]
- Netnod - Kurtis Lindqvist [PDF - 356KB]
- NIX.CZ - Josef Chomyn [PDF - 144KB]
- NOTA - Josh Snowhorn [PDF - 640KB]
- VIX - Harald Michl [PDF - 95KB]
D. Euro-IX Update - Serge Radovcic [PDF - 780KB]
E. Announcement of an IPv6 Peering Workshop - Breedband Delf
Session 2: Thursday, 7 May - 11:00-12:30
F. Co-Chair Election
G. G. Continued IX- Updates
- BCIX - Update - Thorleif Wiik [PDF - 5MB]
- PARIS-IX - Maurice Dean [PDF - 240KB]
H. When the Link Fails: Faster Recovery in Internet Exchanges - Zbynek Pospichal [PDF - 212KB]
I. Best Common Practices in Internet Exchanges – Euro-IX – Wolfgang Hennerbichler
J. Introduction to ISC's Secure Information Exchange and 2009 Update - Keith Mitchell [PDF - 364KB]
- https://sie.isc.org
- This talk will introduce RIPE attendees to ISC's Security Information Exchange and concepts, infrastructure, and technology that will help the detection and mitigation of malicious network use.
K. Discussion Panel on Route-Server Implementation and Maintenance.
- Why use Quagga for Route Servers - Nick Hilliard [PDF - 1.2MB]
- Why do I tolerate Quagga/OpenBGPd/Bird ?
Z. A.O.B.